

Crime scene analysis has had an impact on the legal process, civilian lives, and the economy.
  • Crime scene analysis is used in courts to help reach a verdict. For a long time, it has been used to gather evidence that can then be presented in a court of law, for or against one on trail.

  • Crime scene analysis has an impact on civilian life. It helps keep guilty people off the street, therefore keeping the civilians safe. At the same time, a guilty verdict means that civilians have to pay more for prisons and the upkeep of the convicts in them.

  • By gathering evidence and putting away the guilty, crime scene analysis has had an impact on the economy. The economy runs smoother when society is well off, and society is well off when dangerous criminals are put behind bars.

Crime scene analysis impacts daily lives by providing safety to civilians. This safety is available because crime scene analysts are able to provide facts to place convicts behind bars.

The public perception of crime scene analysis has differed over the years. Recently, crime scene analysis methods have been seen as a way of attaining solid evidence, but many years ago the science methods were controversial and sometimes were not seen as truth. Now, because of technology, the methods of crime scene analysis have become accepted by courts and evidence has been quicker to attain.

The methods of crime scene analysis has created a safer society. It helps limit the crime rate because of its uses in the court of law.
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